Fuduku PI Agency

Bringing Clarity to Your Investigations

Welcome to Fukudu PI Agency, your trusted partner in private investigation services. If you’re seeking answers, resolving mysteries, or need the truth, our team of skilled private investigators is here to help.

With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we bring clarity to the most complex cases. Explore our range of professional services below:

Background Checks

Uncover crucial information about individuals or businesses that will aid you in making informed decisions.


Our expert surveillance team gathers valuable evidence discreetly, helping you resolve suspicions effectively.

Infidelity Investigations

If you suspect a cheating spouse or partner, we can assist you in finding the truth and providing clarity.

Cyber Investigations

In the digital age, our online private investigator services can assist in uncovering digital evidence and protecting your online interests.

Missing Persons

When loved ones go missing, our team will tirelessly work to reunite families and bring closure.

Corporate Investigations

Protect your business interests with our corporate investigation services, including fraud detection and background checks.

How It Works

When you choose us you can expect: 

Expertise and Experience

Our team of private investigators consists of highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in various investigative fields. With a diverse background in law enforcement, cybersecurity, and research, we have the expertise to handle complex cases effectively.

Discreet and Confidential

We value your privacy as much as you do. Our agency operates with strict confidentiality, ensuring that all sensitive information and investigation details are handled discreetly and securely.

Comprehensive Services

As a full-service private investigation company, we offer a wide range of services to meet your needs. From traditional surveillance to cutting-edge online investigations, we have the tools and techniques to gather crucial evidence.

Confidentiality Guaranteed

At Fukudu PI Agency, we uphold the strictest standards of confidentiality. Your trust is essential to us, and we are committed to safeguarding your information and the details of your case throughout the investigation process.

Get Started

Start A New Project Today

When you choose Fukudu PI Agency, you’re enlisting a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about revealing the truth. Whether it’s a personal matter or a corporate concern, we treat each case with the utmost priority and attention it deserves. If you’re ready to gain clarity and find the answers you seek, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Schedule a free call today to discuss your requirements and take the first step towards resolution.